Are you a local business marketer through a shared cost co-op Eddm mailer? Can’t get enough business? We know getting better design is not easy. To get more business, first, you have to impress the business owner with a great-looking advertisement.
We are here to help! Now you can make more money! Because from now on every business owner will be impressed with this demo advertisement! We are EDDM experts and we know what works best in terms of designing Ad content in an eddm mailer. We worked with hundreds of small business owners and we know what brings business!
Try this shared cost eddm full-page design template. It’s a unique layout. All texts will be readable to any age people. This advertisement will stand out from all other typical designs that people get and through it to trash can. Finally, you get what you were looking for!
Contact us through Skype (adobehero) email or Live Chat. We will customize the advertisement. Will charge $5 for each advertisement content replacement.
If you are looking for a custom EDDM Postcard Design, you can hire us! We do great design at an affordable design cost.
These are the fully editable advertisement design you are going to buy!

EDDM Mailer Size and Features
- Size: 11×8.5 full page paper
- File format: Photoshop PSD
- Color profile: CMYK
- Bleed area: .127 inch
- Fully customizable Layered file
- Vector object layout, each advertisement can be scaled to any size
- 2 PSD file
- Fonts link included in the download file
Shared Cost Co-op EDDM Mailer Template Advertisements
- Poker Night Promotion
- Free Pool All Night Promotion
- Restaurant VIP Access Promotion
- SPA Yoga Fitness Club
- Realtor (Real Estate Agent)
- Skill Trainer (Guitar Lesson)
- Master Plumber
- Dental Clinic (Dentist)
- Tire Shope Summer Special
- Restaurant / Pizza
- Local Electronics Repair Services
- Gym and Fitness
- Roof Cleaning Services
- Toy and Sports Accessories Shop
- Dumpster Rental
- Cleaning Service
- Internet ISP Advertisement
Images Used
Please note that all image is blurred out, so you can’t use them instantly for print. We can’t include the images inside the download file. However, most of the images used on the design are free for commercial use! You can download them from and replace them on the design.
Fonts Used (All are free for commercial use)
Bebas Neue
Playfair Display
Franklin Gothic
Niagara Engraved
Lucida Fax
Playfair Display
Open Sans
Brush Script MT
Bebas Neue
Century Gothic
PT Sans
Maven pro
Lobster 1.3
Some small businesses like boutiques, Plumber, roof cleaning services, Skill Trainer, Carting services, Dental Care, Tire shop, yoga & spa, gym, ISP, and other local businesses will hardly be able to send out large volumes of direct mail on bamboo size postcard. It will be too costly for them to make it profitable even with a high response.
So with a special co-op eddm mailer template, you will have 17 full editable advertisements in one mailer. If you are a local business marketer you can run this business as a profitable business.
This 8.5×11 inch full page Shared Cost Co-op EDDM Mailer Template was designed using Photoshop. All texts are editable. The design was done using vector-based shapes so you can scale these designs to any size.
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